Director Profiles

The Leverhulme Community Hub Board is comprised of people from South Harris who individually bring many talents to the project.

Angus MacLeod – Chair

What is your main occupation?

I work for Sound of Harris Construction.

Why did you want to be a part of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

I thought it would be a good project to be a part of. Seeing the building have no life was sad for the community so hopefully we can restore it and it will have another 100 year + life left!

What are you most excited about when the Hub is finished?

The café!

Have you enjoyed the process of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

Overall, yes it has been an enjoyable time. Some stressful moments and but some good memories have come out of the time creating the Hub for sure.

Catriona MacLennan – Vice Chair

What is your main occupation?

I’m a director of our family company and help to run the shore side of our fishing business.  This mainly includes keeping on top of an ever-increasing amount of paperwork! In addition to this role, I run Sound of Harris Business Support – offering admin services to a variety of local businesses.  I’m a mum, too!

Why did you want to be a part of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

Because I felt – and still feel – that Leverburgh has somewhat fallen “off the map” over the years and needs (deserves) to be put back on that map!  We have so much to offer as a community and in terms of our location.  I also feel that we have been somewhat neglected in terms of attention from our local authority, funding opportunities, housing etc.  But I’m pleased to say that things look to be on the up for our wee corner of the world. 

What are you most excited about when the Hub is finished?

Having a facility that we can be proud of as a community.  Being a place that people talk about wanting to visit, rather than just passing through, or not coming here at all.  Having somewhere that brings all ages of people in through the doors, for a number of reasons.  Being able to say “we did that, and look at the difference it has made”. 

Have you enjoyed the process of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t difficult.  We’ve been working on this for 5 years now and there have been times where we wondered if it would ever happen.  But yes, on the whole, it’s been enjoyable and what makes it so is the fantastic bunch of people we have as Board members. And being able to have a laugh – vital in these tense, difficult moments the project has thrown our way!

Andrew Belcher – Treasurer

Why did you become a member of the board? 

 The Hub was looking for a new treasurer, I was looking to get involved in something worthwhile in the community, and seeing as I had some relevant experience, it seemed like the obvious thing to do!

What year did you join the board? 


What is your current job/life status? 

 I retired from my career as an accountant in 2018 and after relocating to Harris, I am splitting my time between my voluntary work on the Hub board, walking and exploring the islands with my wife, Rachel, and honing my pool and darts skills in the local leagues held at the Hub and in Stornoway.


Stephen MacKinnon – Secretary

What is your main occupation?

I am the Business Manager at the Hebrides People Visitor Centre in Northton.

Why did you want to be a part of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

I wanted to be part of a project to bring new facilities to South Harris which has suffered from a lack of investment for decades.

What are you most excited about when the Hub is finished?

Having a café open all year as a central place in the community for people to meet will be great. 

Have you enjoyed the process of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

Yes, the other Directors are a great group of people to work with. The fundraising events were particularly enjoyable. The progress over the last year has been particularly impressive.

Patricia MacLeod – Director

What is your main occupation?

Civil Servant

Why did you want to be a part of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

It seemed too good an opportunity for the community to miss out on (& to be honest, there wasn’t exactly a rush of volunteers, so I felt obliged ☺)

What are you most excited about when the Hub is finished?

Having so many new facilities within the local area, giving lots of opportunities for folk to meet up, either as a pre-arranged, or a chance meeting, for all ages.

Have you enjoyed the process of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

Yes, despite the many & ongoing challenges. The many, many laughs along the way & the prospect of achieving the end goal make the challenges all worthwhile. I’ve really enjoyed working with everyone involved. 

Rebecca Hutton – Director

What is your main occupation?

I am a carer and Harris Tweed weaver.   

Why did you want to be a part of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

To preserve the building as it was my old Primary School and also to create amenities for the people of South Harris who’ve been neglected for too many years. 

What are you most excited about when the Hub is finished?

Having a cup of tea and a good blether in the café.

Have you enjoyed the process of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

Yes. Whilst it is undoubtedly hard at times, it is very rewarding, and the rest of the board are a great team to work with.

Donnie MacRae – Director

What is your main occupation?

I am a self-employed Plumber.

Why did you want to be a part of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

I thought it was a great idea to preserve the building and stop it from being knocked down.

What are you most excited about when the Hub is finished?

I can’t wait to see the Hub up and running – it is a much-needed space for the community and anyone passing through. It will feel like a huge achievement for the small community.

Have you enjoyed the process of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?

I will be pleased when it is finished! Fair to say it has been a huge learning experience for us all but definitely enjoyable. 

Linda Armstrong – Director

What is your main occupation?


Why did you want to be a part of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?


What are you most excited about when the Hub is finished?


Have you enjoyed the process of creating the Leverhulme Community Hub?